Penthouse Pour

Event Date:
March 29, 2025
Event Time:
5:30 PM
Event Location:
82 Union Pl, Hartford, CT 06103
Are you ready for double the fun?
Join us at Penthouse Pour for the ultimate hands-on experience where the pros will help you make your own candles and your own sushi!
Candle making:
Choose your candle jar, select your favorite scent from the Penthouse Pour collection, and learn how to pour it all together into your next favorite candle.
Add a sticker, or two to make the candle PERFECT.
As your candle solidifies, join the chef from The Sushi Class and let them guide you through the process of crafting your own sushi!
Sushi making:
Select your favorite rolls
Watch the entertaining, live demonstration of how to roll your sushi
Get ready for hands on fun
Bring your friend, date or someone who loves sushi as much as you and get ready to roll!
No experience necessary. All materials and ingredients are included.
Spots are limited- Book now and save your seat!